What's Happening with Harbour City and Grant and Michelle Clark

There have been some big updates within the life of our Restored Family of Churches, coming together over the past year that we are excited to share with you.

One of our five churches, Harbour City Church in Durban, South Africa has just gone through a big transition, as Grant and Michelle Clark have handed over the leadership of the church to follow Jesus and pursue what’s next for them in ministry.

We wanted to take some time to hear from the Clarks about what has led them here and what they’re excited about in the coming months.

I know if it were possible, Grant and Shell would love to share their heart and all about this adventure with you all in person, over a cup of tea or coffee. But since that is not possible, we wanted to share some of the story here.


What started the process for considering handing off the leadership of Harbour City?

Shell and I both had some kind of sense that God was doing something different with us, and were trying to work out exactly what it was. And while this was going on, we had a significant day where I received a very specific prophetic word (from someone I really trust, who is an Elder in another Church) about what was next for us. And then that same night, we were asked to consider doing that very thing.

What things along the way made this decision more clear for you guys?

Prayer. Discussion. Prophetic words. Wise advisors. Not rushing. Growing personal conviction.

This was a slow and big process for us (obviously). So, after we received that prophetic word and request, we started by speaking with some leaders, friends and family that we knew, respected and trusted, and asked for their input and advice about this decision before we went further.

Shell and I obviously prayed and discussed this at length, over months. Really wanting to know that we had found God’s will, and not making an emotional or impulsive decision.

We also asked God for prophetic direction, and were amazed as different people (sometimes out of the blue) shared dreams, pictures, and texts with us that confirmed what we believed God was doing with us and the Church.

I also think for us, we had believed for years, that we would make this transition, and had experienced a growing sense of what was next for us. We had just not known when. So, in our case, a big part of making this decision was discerning if the WHEN was right, not if the WHAT was right.

What is next for you guys?

We are moving to San Diego and joining the team at Restored Uptown!

Who will be stepping into the Lead Pastor role of Harbour City?

We had our handover service on the 6th of February (you can listen in here). Jamie and Lisa Ternent have taken over from Shell and I. I have known Jamie since I was 12. We were on staff at Red Point Church for 10 years together, and on the same Eldership Team there. He was part of a Life Group that I lead for a few years, and he lead the Campus Ministry I was a part of at University, and the Youth Group I joined when I was 18.

It's been amazing to hand over to people that we know, love and trust so well. And who we share a lot of history with.

What will this leadership change mean for Harbour City’s future as part of the Restored Family of Churches?

Harbour City will stay part of the Restored Family of Churches, for at least the next year.

Jamie has met and known a bunch of the Restored guys over the years, but not that well. So our plan is for them to come to the Retreat in California this year, for some guys to go out to Durban and minister this year, and to see how the relationships and partnerships go over the next year, and then reassess.

What excites you most about these changes? What is the hardest part?

I think this process has been so hard, trusting God as He calls us to uproot our lives, and say goodbye to so many friends and family that we love, and the Church that we have planted and love so deeply.

I think what excites me is knowing that God is the one who is leading this process, and knowing that He knows what is best for our little family, and our Church family.

I think watching Jamie and Lees start to come into our Sundays and Leaders meetings over the last few months, and watching ‘the hand of God upon them’ (Acts 11v21) and the grace on them for this next chapter of Harbour City’s life, has been so encouraging and exciting for me in the midst of our own grieving and goodbyes.

And we do feel very excited to be based in San Diego, and apart of Restored Uptown who we love deeply, and working closely with some of our friends there. And Mexican food!

How can we be praying for you in this upcoming season?

As I write this, it is 6 days until we leave Durban, say our goodbyes, and start a 3 month Sabbatical. So please pray for:

  • Rest and Refreshing for us on Sabbatical.

  • Special moments with God, and as a family over the next few months.

  • Logistical ease as we move and travel (with all of the complexities and changes of COVID).

  • For our home in Durban to sell.

  • For God to prepare us, and work in us, for how He wants to use us in San Diego.

___________________Grant and Shell, thank you for sharing and we look forward to welcoming you to California soon!Restored family, this means we will get to enjoy the gift of Grant and Michelle on a more frequent basis and God-willing maintain the same connection to our brothers and sisters in South Africa!


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