Welcome to the Restored FOC Website

Welcome to the Restored Family of Churches (FOC) website! We are so glad you stopped by and hope you will find this site to be a helpful resource. Over the past year, we have been working to create a space that would serve as a hub for our Family of Churches- a space where we can stay connected, unified and encouraged in the Gospel as we go about our lives across cities, states and even nations. In the coming days, you will find this space filled with various content that we hope will serve you in all of the following ways:


If we’re honest, staying up to date on the broader Family of Churches can be challenging at times. Our desire is to change that by having one common space where you can come to find important information and happenings.  This site will serve as a hub for all Family of Churches communication and updates. Want to find out details on the upcoming Family of Churches Retreat? You’ll find that here. Want to know more about Give Love or a Family of Churches initiative? You’ll find that here, too. This space will be your new go-to for updates on upcoming church plants, overseas missionaries, retreats, trainings, various church needs and all things FOC related. 


Every year at our FOC retreat, one of the biggest highlights is hearing story after story of what Jesus is doing in people’s lives throughout our different local churches. Stories of men and women experiencing Jesus’ radical grace for the first time. Stories of the church living as the family of God. Stories of healings and freedom and hope found in Christ, to name a few. These stories often bring much needed encouragement, and we plan to fill this space with just that- evidences of God’s grace at work in and through our communities. Throughout the New Testament, we see Paul encouraging his churches through writing when he cannot be with them in person, and though nothing can replace our face-to-face encouraging of one another and bearing of one another’s burdens, we hope and pray that the stories shared here will stir our affections for Him and one another, leading us into prayer for our brothers and sisters across churches as we are reminded of the bigger story Jesus graciously invites us into.


One of the unique privileges of being a part of the Restored Family of Churches is the opportunity to more intentionally use the many gifts scattered amongst our local bodies to build up and bless each other’s churches. Ephesians 4:11-13 tells us that we, the Church, have been given many gifts for the maturing of the Body. And by God’s grace, we‘ve seen this in action in beautiful ways over the last several years- gifts of teaching, prophecy, apostleship, and more- being used to mature each local church more and more into the likeness of Christ. Moving forward, this space will regularly be filled with blogs, teachings and equipping by our pastors and various members throughout our communities to help equip and build up our local churches. Though, once again, nothing can replace the life-on-life discipleship taking place in our local communities, our prayer is that these resources would be tools that would only further fuel your love and obedience to Jesus and your love for your brothers and sisters and the world around you. 

We look forward to what Jesus has in store for our Family of Churches in the coming days, months and years and pray that this space would truly be a helpful and unifying tool as we continue to enjoy Jesus, make disciples and plant churches together!


10 Great Reads of 2019


What Went Down at the Family of Churches Retreat