
This week we are going to use our devotionals to go through a different one of our values or cultures each day, and to spend time thinking and meditating on what it looks like for us to live these out even in lockdown, in this unique time that we’re living through.


Before you start reading this devotional, take a moment to stop what you’re doing, slow down and focus on Jesus.

Pray and ask him to open your eyes to see as you read the scriptures, and to open your ears to hear as you wait on the leading of the Spirit.


Romans 12:6-8: “According to the grace given to us, we have different gifts: If prophecy, use it according to the proportion of one’s faith; if service, use it in service; if teaching, in teaching; if exhorting, in exhortation; giving, with generosity; leading, with diligence; showing mercy, with cheerfulness.”

Going Deeper:

Last summer I flew to Puerto Rico to visit family. During the final leg of the journey I boarded a plane that was so small that I could see everything happening in the cockpit. I remember the two pilots sitting side-by-side, with the same destination and mission. The junior pilot looked new to the job but put his training to work while the Captain watched and assisted. Witnessing their interaction made it clear that this flight wasn’t just about going somewhere but about developing pilots on the way.

I think we have a similar opportunity before us with COVID-19. We don’t have to just get through this but we can grow in it. How? Like the pilots, we give and take opportunities to step into our calling and gifting, which is the heart of multiplication. What might this look like? Let me share a bit about what it’s been like for me…

In this season, I’ve had the opportunity to step into a role where I can model, explain, assist, watch, give feedback, and encourage the special group of apprentices I have in my Gospel Community. I’m flying the plane less, to focus on developing others.

Our GC has Zoom meetings at different points during the week so our apprentices have started to lead more frequently. This season has felt like a growth accelerator as they've dived deeper into worship, prayer, listening to people and the Spirit, and helping others trust and obey Jesus. I can see God’s hand on their life and it’s been thrilling to see! I feel encouraged to simply continue to give them opportunities, encouragement, and feedback knowing God is doing so much in and through them.

For me personally, using my gifts and pressing into my calling this season has meant working through the fear that would keep me from following the promptings of the Spirit in my daily life. There’s a not small part of me that fears looking foolish if I say or do what I think the Spirit wants me to. More than ever before, I’ve sensed the Spirit calling me to do uncomfortable things during meetings or conversations like pray for healing, share what may (or may not) be a word of knowledge, share prophetic words, and step into messy situations to bring the love of Jesus into them.

What I’ve found is that Jesus is more than able to still my fearful heart. My feelings of inadequacy, fear of failure, and bent towards self-focus diminish as I remember that I deserve no gifts, I’ve earned no calling, and I don’t belong in the divine redemption story at all. Yet, here I am because He chose to set His love on me. He chose to give me gifts and brothers and sisters to develop and release into their callings. He’s promised to be with me as I make disciples. When I remember these things, I can focus less on my shortcomings and more on what He has for me in this season.

Though I lament what’s happening in our COVID-19 world, it’s been a beautiful season in terms of multiplication. Wouldn’t that be just like God to take a difficult, painful season and bring something wonderful out of it?

Now I want to ask you the question: how might God be calling you to not get through this season, but grow through it?

Might he call you to take a step to use your gifts to benefit others? Might he be calling you to give opportunities to others to step into their calling and support them through it with encouragement and feedback?


Respond to God in prayer by speaking to Him about what stood out to you from this passage this morning.


What is the Holy Spirit saying to you this morning?


What are you going to do in response to what God is saying to you from the text and by the Spirit?



