Join us for the 2021 Family of Churches Retreat!

The Annual Restored Family of Churches Retreat is a special time where we get to gather as extended family for a weekend in the woods.This year, there is an enhanced anticipation for this time because we weren't able to be together last year and this opportunity for renewed connection and unity is exciting!We are longing to see your faces as we retreat together and worship Jesus.This weekend is an invitation to connect; with Jesus, with those from our local church families and those from the other churches in our Family of Churches.We will share meals and cabins together; we will worship together; we will be encouraged and challenged in the Gospel together; we will recreate and pray together; we will have fun and be refreshed together.We are so excited you are choosing to spend this weekend with us and we can't wait to be there!Visit the registration page for more details and to register!


Sessions from 2021 Family of Churches Retreat


Two Phrases from our Father for 2021