Dear Restored Temecula

Dear Restored Temecula,

The love that Ebony and I have for you is hard to put into words. It’s a love that is supernatural in its origin yet supremely personal in its expression. Simply put, we love you as dearly and as completely as we are capable. Yet, our love is an ant hill compared to the Everest that is the love of Jesus for you. His is the only love that is perfect in every way and it has been on full display this past year.

Ferris Beuller famously said “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” This letter is an attempt to do just that; To pause and consider all that 2019 meant for us.

We are in an important phase in the life of our church plant as we are laying the foundation upon which this church will stand for generations. That foundation is Jesus. His love, His grace, His ways. I’ve witnessed the Gospel become more personal and more beautiful in all of our lives. I’ve witnessed desire for sin and self-rule weaken while desire for sacrificial love and service increase. I’ve witness the Gospel produce a freedom in you that is intoxicating.

That freedom has resulted in transparency and vulnerability being common in our community and it’s from that place that the seed of family has been planted. 2019 was a year where the Spirit of God began to produce the fruit of family in us. The love that you have for one another is a testimony to our valley of the reality of Jesus. God is establishing our church as a generous, resilient, passionate family. There are dozens of stories of you caring for each other practically and financially the way only a healthy family does. 
The church being a family sounds romantic until we encounter each others sin yet I’ve witnessed you handle conflict with each other in both honest and honorable ways. Instead of allowing pride and arrogance to get the final word, I’ve witnessed you courageously follow Jesus by moving closer to each other instead of further apart. You aren’t pretending to be perfect, you are enjoying the perfect one, Jesus, together. As a result, outsiders feel comfortable in our midst. 

One of the great pains and privileges of the past year has been fighting together to prioritize multiplication. And I’m not only referring to new babies, although there are many. Whether it was GC’s sending apprentice leaders, banding together to support Intro to GCs, or empowering fellow disciples to step into new leadership roles, you chose the way of sacrificial service over comfort. You chose the way of Jesus. I couldn’t be more proud. As a result, there are over 120 committed adults belonging to a Gospel Community. That is remarkable considering we are less than two years old. And the fruit we are seeing in each others lives is directly related to the intentionality of growing in Christ in community. 
My excitement and anticipation is building for what God has in store. When I consider the MANY children that God has entrusted to our care my heart comes alive at the thought of them following us as we follow Jesus into the story He is writing. As we look into the future, I see us getting stronger. I see the foundation strengthening and Jesus building something far more beautiful than any of us can imagine. I see men and women being filled with God’s Spirit in ever increasing ways. I see boys and girls developing in an environment where the church is their family and radical acts of faith are normal. I see us getting more intentional and strategic in seeking the renewal of every facet of life in our valley.

2019 was a year of development and growth. While all growth is accompanied by growing pains to one degree or another, you have banded together to not only endure but to thrive. I couldn’t be more proud to be on this journey with you. It’s only the beginning!
Grace and peace to you all,



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Dear Harbour City