We believe we are better together on this adventure of making disciples of Jesus
Make Disciples
This is the family business of our local churches and it’s the key to seeing the rest of the things “we do” happen! In the Scriptures, the word “disciple” means learner or apprentice. So as Jesus’ disciples, we are learning to live and love like Jesus in the family, city, neighborhood, or workplace we belong to!
Plant Churches
We labor hard at seeing new communities of light and love that the New Testament calls churches get started. We pool our financial resources, gifted people and loads of prayer to see new communities get strong starts.
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Strengthen Churches
After a church is birthed or planted it needs care. Much like a newborn baby doesn’t stop requiring care the minute they are born, new planted churches need lots of care and encouragement. We see this pattern in the New Testament when leaders like Paul or James would write “epistles,” letters to the different churches. In these letters he would provide encouragement, challenge and instruction. We provide care for churches in a similar way through a diversely gifted servant leadership team.
Care for Leaders
Leading churches is hard and far too few leaders end well. Often leaders experience a unique blend of pressures that any in care professions experience mixed with the external pressures of leading an organization and spiritual struggle. We believe that healthy leaders lead healthy churches so we invest alot into leader care. We want to see leaders who are truly exemplary in their relational, emotional, physical and spiritual health. We provide funding, space, and competent practitioners to provide spiritual formation, strategic consulting, and professional counseling to leaders and their families with the goal of seeing both churches and leaders thriving.
Partner in Renewal Projects
As Jesus restores people, it should lead to their spheres of influences being restored or “renewed”. We want to see Jesus’ Kingdom come in a myriad of ways. Whether it’ Human trafficking victims being set free, or addicts being rehabilitated or underpriviledged people learning how to escape the clutches of poverty through entrepreneurial training, we partner with like minded organizations to see things be renewed. Just the way Jesus intended them to be in the first place.